Robotic Pastries illustrator Lauren Mays

Hi I’m Lauren! Illustrator, story-teller and founder of Robotic Pastries. I love to share my passion for drawing and creating memorable characters and stories. My mission is to use my art skills to share my stories and help others share their stories in a way that makes a lasting impression on readers. 

Explore some of my recent projects and feel free to contact me to see how I can help you tell your story. 


Need illustrations for your next project? Or maybe you would like a drawing of your favorite character. Either way, I would be happy to help!


Comics are the perfect outlet for me to combine and share my love for art and stories. Check out some of my comic strips and issues.


I get a lot of ideas that I want to share and I also help others share their ideas visually through my illustrations. Check out some of my recent works.